Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What I did not know till recently...

Wow, sometimes the things you do NOT know surprise you, they sure surprise me :)

for example of the top of my head here is a list of stuff that I discovered recently...

  • Brazil is bigger in size than India
Well, I knew Brazil was big, but I did not know it was as big as 8,514,877 sq. miles to India's 3,287,263 sq. miles! Its more than twice the size of India!
A lot of it is rain forest apparently

  • Its a myth that Eskimos have a lot of words for 'snow'
I had always believed the popular 'did you know..." that Eskimos had hundreds of words for 'snow' but I read this somewhere while trawling the world wide web, (Unrelated trivia: If you notice, there are more syllables in WWW than in World Wide Web!)

ahem... his is all I could think of, off the top of my head, but I assure you the list shall increase

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